The Biggest Little Farm
The Pollen Farm
The population is growing and we are facing significant disruptions in food production and distribution. We need to consider local sustainable farming. The pollinator population needs assistance to keep it healthy and vibrant as an essential part of the global living ecosystem.
Pesticides, drought, habitat destruction, nutrition deficits, air pollution and global warming are driving a rapid decrease in the global bee population. Without pollination by bees (and other pollinators), human food production will be greatly impacted. COVID, wildfires and drought are reducing the amount of food produced. Availability of food across borders is unstable.
The Land
This 200 acre biodiverse farm will be a blueprint for organic permaculture.
The Research
Eco system development through
Organic Farming
Biodynamic Farming
The Outcome
The permaculture farm will be an open access educational research resource. We will develop and share critical knowledge about the sustainable farming and pollenator wellbeing. In turn this system will support and maintain the health and wellbeing of others including insects, animals and humans alike.